Who is MyLibrarian? | Library Services
Did you know that each academic program on campus has a librarian dedicated to student and faculty success in that area? It's called MyLibrarian.
You may have seen your MyLibrarian helping students or faculty in the Information Commons or holding sessions in the Library Classroom. Your MyLibrarian is happy to meet with students and faculty one-on-one to talk about research, use the library catalog and databases, find resources, make interlibrary loan requests, and more.
This is really helpful for faculty who are conducting research or who may be seeking some ideas for class assignments that use the library. Faculty and students can also suggest items for addition to the library's collections. Find your librarian below!
agruentz@022aode.com | 262.650.4887 | Make an Appointment | Office: Library 117A (Information Commons)
Alex Gruentzel, Interim Director of Library Services and Teaching & Learning Librarian, serves as MyLibrarian for the subject areas listed below. She coordinates research assistance and information literacy sessions for the PioCore, manages the Curriculum Materials Collection, and 3D printing services. At Carroll since 2011 and in her current role since 2022, Alex is interested in accessibility, learner-centered instruction, and information seeking behaviors. She holds a BA from Carroll University and a MLIS from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Ask Alex about the apple tree she grafted!
- Education
- Graduate Education
- English, Literature, & Writing
- Graphic Design
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Spanish & French
- Video Game Design
- M.S. in Behavioral Health Psychology
- International Student Support
- CCS 100, CCS 199, ENG 170 coordination
carterj@022aode.com | 262.650.4886 | Make an Appointment | Office: Library 119A (Information Commons)
Judith Carter, Electronic Resources/Systems Librarian, serves as MyLibrarian for the subject areas listed below. She coordinates all aspects of the library's electronic resources, including databases & journals, the discovery search engine, and the integrated library system. At Carroll since 2020, Judith is interested in information technology, collection assessment, and resource discovery. She holds a BSEd from Abilene Christian University and a MLS from the University of Arizona. Ask Judith about making beautiful objects with fire!
- Actuarial Science
- Animal Behavior
- Applied Physics & Engineering
- Aviation Science & Drone Technologies
- Biology
- Business, Accounting, Management, Economics
- Master of Business Administration
- Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Computational Science
- Computer Science & IT
- Environmental Science
- Healthcare Administration
- Mathematics
- Music, Music Education, Music Therapy
lmintz@022aode.com | 262.524.7674 | Make an Appointment | Office: Library 119B (Information Commons)
Loren Mintz, Health Sciences Librarian, serves as MyLibrarian for the subject areas listed below. She coordinates library services (research help, information literacy teaching, collection development) to students and faculty in the College of Health Sciences. At Carroll since 2022, Loren is interested in public health literacy, demographics/social determinants of health, and community outreach. She holds a BA from the University of Texas at San Antonio and a MLS with a postgraduate certification in Health Services from Texas Woman's University. Ask Loren about Japanese culture!
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Diversity
- Exercise Science
- Health Sciences
- Nursing - ADN, BSN, MSN
- Pre-Professional Health Sciences Programs
- Public Health
- Sports & Recreation Management
- Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Master of Occupational Therapy
- M.S. in Athletic Training
- M.S. in Exercise Physiology
- M.S. in Pathologists' Assistant Studies
- M.S. in Physician Assistant Studies
- M.S. in Sport Physiology & Performance Coaching
sriehl@022aode.com | 262.951.3210 | Make an Appointment | Office: Library 203 (2nd floor)
Sue Riehl, Public/Technical Services Librarian and Archivist, serves as MyLibrarian for the subject areas listed below. She coordinates technical services (acquisitions and cataloging), archives, and serves as backup for research assistance to the Teaching & Learning Librarian. At Carroll since 2004, Sue is interested in 19th century American history, Carroll history, and archival methods. She holds a BA, MA, and MLIS from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Ask Sue about old movies or 1960s music trivia!
- Art & Photography
- Communication
- Criminal Justice
- Global Studies
- History
- Politics
- Religious Studies
- Sociology
- Theatre
- Archives